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(1 edit)

I just encountered an odd glitch where at the end of the month or perhaps when paying rent or something, Willow's (and maybe Juliet's) level reset back to 1. Atleast it was only at 3 but still I'm worried this could happen later on. (EDIT: As of ten minutes later either I'm forgetting/missing something or it just happened again to Juliet)

I'll look into it, I can't see any reason in the code of why it would do that.

Thank you. If I can send the saves or something to help or anything let me know. It hasn't happened since though.

Is it possible that you did you used the 'update old save'? That might've triggered a reset on some variables.

I had not, and those 2 were the only ones that reset. I barely even paused let alone touched any settings. I feel like it may relate to when the money is ready to be collected given that it happened at end of the first month, which I think was a Monday as well and I believe it happened on a Monday the second time. I would've noticed before if it happened before then since I see that menu a lot since I frequently use the "Date" feature. I'm a wild guess could even be related to the level accidentally being messed with when backing out of a bad date location or gift when tight on money since I'm unsure how Ren'py handles the "back" button.

Don't think it's a back button problem. Hard to figure out what's going on and since you said it's no longer happening and this is the only report I got of it, I'll just ignore it for now. I did have a look into the code for anything that has to do with setting, adding, and subtracting the girl's levels but there's nothing there that resets it like that so I'm stumped in recreating it.

What did .10B_d change compared to .10B, I can't find any info

(1 edit)

The hotfix fixed a bug in the deck manager that gave an inaccurate deck power after you've sold BIRD cards. This hinders the player because there's power space taken up by essentially nothing

I see, thank you.


Whays the cheat code


It's available on the Patreon for supporters of the game's development

(1 edit)

nvm gang


Thanks for trying the game out! Sorry it isn't your cup of tea.

ngl i just figured out how the game works and dis fire my bad


bruh lmaooo I appreciate it then XD


If you're encountering the inaccurate Deck Power Limit bug, please make sure you're playing on 0.10B_d (the _d is important as that fixes that issue)!




hahaha, mlm is still very unlikely but we may introduce another romanceable penis-haver of sorts

yuhhhh twan, i fw ur game fr. card game lowkey hard sometimes but the gum and chocolate be comin in clutch frrrr. game is nice maneeee. oh and does anybody got the cheat code for 0.10B 

sincerely ur boi, love the game mane 


Thanks so much! The cheats are available on the Patreon for supporters since they help make this game possible.

Hello! I'm playing the 0.10B and I might have encountered a glitch : I wanted to change the cards in my deck for more powerfull ones I had bought , but some of the cards in my deck dissapeared while actively taking up Deck Power Limit space . So , with 0 cards in deck , I have a Deck power of 9 out of 32 , and the cards that are occupying those points don't appear in either the deck builder or during card battles.


That is definitely a bug that existed and has been fixed for 0.12. I'm not sure why it exists in that version, pre-TCG system overhaul but I'll try and get a hotfix done later


0.10B_d is up and fixes this problem, just add a card to the deck and remove it and it'll reset the Deck Power back to 0.


Man I tried this game, I really tried. I played it for maybe 10-15 hours. The card game is legitimately so fuckin hard. It's hugely luck dependent, and you can only lose out on a couple exchanges per duel before it's gg. I've tried all kinds of strategies and none of them are any more successful than another. This isn't dark souls, it's a porn game, why are we trying to make this rival a metroidvania in difficulty? For what? And what is even the point of leveling up if the random money dates scale up with you anyways? You never catch up to them, never get stronger in any way.

Hey, thanks for your feedback and totally understand your issues. May I ask what version you're playing on because the SMS dates don't scale with you anymore, ever since 0.09, we've overhauled that system so that you can choose easier dates if you hit a so called roadblock in difficulty. That way you can still feel a sense of growth and success without being locked into battling the 'too hard' dates.


I'm going to second this. Incredibly frustrating, being level 6 with level 6 cards, and it's still common to lose to the level 1 date! I don't understand it and feel there's little to no skill involved? Or am I just stupid? ;p

I would suggest having about 10 cards and utilizing the weather/seasonal buffs you get, using BIRD cards whenever the opponent has ultra sense. If you're losing because you're running out of cards, then its a sustain issue.

how do i talk to quinni?

You have to be at a high enough level and she'll call you from your bedroom.

(1 edit)

In an earlier version of the game, as one of the masterbation options, you could use a dildo, but now that option is gone. I have that fetich togled on, but it's still MIA how do i get it back. Also i love this game. :)>

that's a masturbation scene that you unlock by overcoming your nightmares by having too much shame.
Raise shame meter > have nightmare > beat nightmare > unlock new MC solo scenes

Are there other scenes with special unlocks like that? Besides the obvious character romance scenes.

no, the MC solo masturbation scenes are the only ones that unlock like that. Every other girls' hscenes unlock via story or post-story by having a high enough level aka post story content.

Game keeps crashing on 0.9b update

That's probs the phone crash when you open your phone in the gift shop or the clothing store, avoid doing these things for this version.

Not just that, sometimes it’s after a card game

it would most likely be the same reason, just dont do anything other than shop while at those stores. You can open your phone and do the card game elsewhere

I'm playing on mac for some reason I am unable to 'check myself in the mirror' at the very start of the game. I believe I might need to either expand my screen (I use fullscreen already but I do not know how to expand my screen size) or I cannot figure out how if there is some button I need to press. This game seems great but I just cant figure out how to play it.

You just have to click the wardrobe icon

I enter the wardrobe and then after selecting my clothes there is nothing more I can do. I cannot progress at all because of this

did you explore the house?

Yes, I cannot find any other options

Did you give Juliet her gift when you entered her room? In the beginning to unlock sleeping, you just need to open the wardrobe and give Juliet her gift.

I have come across a game-breaking bug with Maggie. After finishing a card game with her (0.09B), the game goes to error message when attempting to go to the next scene.

Its happened both after updating a save and starting fresh.

I went back and checked it again, the error message reads  (loccation)_entrancee not being able to load. It also happens in places like the gift shop. 

Sorry about that bug. Was not aware it also happened with Maggie. It should be fixed for the next public version on the 3rd of January. For the gift shop and clothing store, we just suggest not opening the phone at those locations but for Maggie, she's just kinda stuck for the time being. We're fully focused on working on the next update and being busy with the holiday season.

Game is great so far. However, I did encounter a glitch that cost me my save

(Entirely my fault, I assumed there was some kind of autosave, ended up getting softlocked)

I tried to go through a card battle while I was at the gift shop. I did get through it, but the game gave me an error message. Rollback didn't work bc it sent me to the "Gained # Exp" page, and you can't rewind to before a battle.


There actually is an autosave, or there SHOULD be. If you go to the loading page and click on the 'A', that should be where the autosave is.

Well that's good to know now, however it's odd to me that page 1 of saves is the default.

Btw a request that I can only assume you're working on is seeing animated scenes in the gallery. especially bc the ones with MC seem to be one-time in my experience.

Either way, Love that the characters have their own problems, and that the problems are so realistic. You're a really good writer!


Thanks for the feedback, the H-scenes actually unlock when you complete the girl's storyline, rather than a gallery, you have 'free-use' to have sex with them all over the house and in front of other characters. Though we're still working on implementing a better 'commentary' system where the other characters would chime in on the act.

ahhh! oh that makes sense lol!


Game is good. Wish the audience would comment during H-scenes


We're looking into implementing a better version of that, we had one originally but we needed a better system that would scale easily as the game grows.

Is ther only one H-scene with maggie in .09B??

No, there's 8. The contacts page should give you a completion list of all the characters.

i only had one for maggie, after that no matter where she was or what gift i gave her there was no more girl friend route to continue, the other girls i got 2 and then same thing happened, for instance willows second h-scene would even run. just brought up another characters chat. and if it helps anyone to diag this, i am on PC running windows.

Are you using an old save file? If so, you'll need to click on the 'update old save' button in the in-game phone settings. Maggie has a complete storyline in 0.09.

nope no old save file, this is the first time i downloaded the game

maybe a screenshot of the progression so I can point out what you need to do next

I updated  save file to current version but after I did the back and save options at the bottom of the screen disappered. How do I fix that?

try playing a card game, the back option should only really be disabled during the card game but re-enabled when you're done with it.

I did as you recomended the back option re-enabled but the save option is still missing. Was it moved somewhere else?

Not sure, you should still be able to save when you click on the menu option though, right?

Yes I can. Thank you for the help.


i cant tell if im hot ass or if the game is genuinely hard as shit. i try to take advantage of the modifiers of the day like +3 to scissors etc but i get stomped. am i supposed to just farm level 1 over n over? im level 3 doing purely sms dates and trying to progress with juliet but the game is brutal. feels purely rng with minimal strategy involved.


I guess it depends on how many cards you have too?
I suggest trying 10 cards, 2 of which are Bird cards and using said bird cards whenever the opponent has ultra-sense. You can also use the consumables which would really swing things back into your favour. 

Release on steam

eventually we will look into that!

Will we be able to purchase the final version through itch?


The final version, probably. It'll be a few year until then though.

What are the cheat codes?


they're on patreon for supporters of the game, they help keep developing going

(1 edit) (+1)

Why do I fucking suck at this game?  I just started and I already want to delete it.  If I wanted to experience being bad at relationships, Id just keep living my life.

Is there a walkthrough or something?  The card game seems straight forward, idk.  It's not clicking, I guess.  As soon as I got to the first game with juliet she had 4 more hp than me and I'm just fucking it up and quitting in frustration. 

(1 edit) (-1)

Think of it like pokemon or an RPG game and the battles with the girls as boss battles. The SMS dates are like the wild creatures you fight to level up. I assume you didn't do the SMS dates and still at level 1.

(1 edit)

yeah, I only did two SMS dates and then saw progress with Juliet was available and I guess I assumed 'It's available so it's a good time to do it.' 

I appreciate the advice and regardless of my trouble, I can tell it's a well executed game.  Nice work and good on you supporting artists.

There seems to be a bug in the RPS coding.  Anytime I play a Bird card, I take the damage of BOTH cards while the other player only takes the Bird card damage.  When they play a Bird card, I take their cards damage and they only take my cards damage.  That seems a little lopsided.

Also, when I use gum, I take both cards damage but I can't find a pattern.  It always happens when I play a Bird card... as mentioned above, but I've also taken damage when I played other cards.  It's not always but it does happen.  I can't explain it.

I also get the map locations error but if I always go on the service date from the bedroom, it doesn't happen.

Hey, I'm unsure what's happening there but the logic seems to be right? I'd have to look at a clip of it to figure out what's going on because I just tested some bird card gameplay and the math is pretty much mathing as it should so I'm unable to really fix what doesn't seem broken. Is it possible that the additional damage you're taking is actually from the weather and seasonal buffs? The stats that are on the left?

I'm not sure why that would be happening only on the Bird cards, but I'll look at it.  If it keeps happening I'll just ditch the Bird cards, they aren't worth the damage loss.  It is exactly the damage of both cards added together BTW while the opponent only takes my Bird card damage. Maybe it was just that launch instance, I'll try to nail it down.

Okay, I just launched it and loaded the save and it worked out of the gate correctly.  It was definitely doing that every Bird card.  I should've gotten screen caps.  I'll keep an eye on it.

definitely do, glad to hear it's working fine now though


well i found an easy way to by pass the error screen when entering the gift or the clothes shop instead of going to the phone and map try going to the rooms any room will do as long as you don't press the maps on the phone.

my save file is bonked now. need help

looks like you're still at the very start of the game, I suggest just starting a fresh and avoiding what you did to get that?

I can't get past the tutorial because the bronze decks don't give me enough 1-cost cards for a ten-card deck.  Decks with less cards won't let me progress.

a 10 card deck is recommended but 5 is the minimum and I'm sure you can fit 5. Bird Cards take up twice their power level in capacity.


You have picture that says no ai, but the top song says it is ai generated?


The actual game has no AI, the song on the page is just for fun and I'm not trying to deceive or gain money from its use.

I've deleted it though, seems more problematic than it needs to be.


why does it say its "play in browser" but it isnt?

they literally scammed us

It was the page's song player that I wanted to try out but I've deleted it since it's more problematic than its worth having. My bad on that.


theres also a crash that seems to happen whenever you leave your phone or a game of love & seduction in the gift shop (and a few other places i dont remember where. might have been the restaurants im not sure)


Ooh, I see. Yeah, the gift shop and the clothing store are the locations. I'd just suggest avoiding doing anything phone/card battle related in those 2 locations for the time being.

i found an easy by pass for it instead of going to the phone try going to the rooms i done it and i still got the items i bought.


If you ran into the gifting bug with Maggie, please download 0.09B_d to fix that issue.

Just gave her a yoga mat and can't keep playing anymore. Already downloaded the 0.09B_d version but I'm playing on Android. How can I fix it? Loving the game so far, thanks for ur effort!

(1 edit)

Are you able to send me a video clip or a screenshot? Because it now works fine from my testing so I'm unable to fix any bug I cant recreate.

Hey Seki! Appreciate the support. Hope u can play the video. Saved my progress right where the video begins so I'm pretty much stuck there D: Also might be worth mentioning that according to the game my save is from 0.09B version, even though I downloaded the 0.09B_c version and started playing on that one. 

Yeah, 0.09B_d fixes that problem. That bug only exists on 0.09B_c, to fix the problem, just download and update with whatever the current itchio version is. You'll still be able to load the save file afterwards and it should fix the problem.

Yeah that fixed it. Got no problems now. Thx a lot boss

the game keeps crashing after i try to give gifts to the vip girls

does the crash give you an error or something? Which VIP girl specifically? 

(1 edit) (+2)

I have found the bug and will release a hotfix very shortly, keep an eye out for it.

tysm appreciate the quick work <3


whenever i try to give a gift to a girl it comes up with an error at the end of the event and i cant ignore it, it's stopping my progress and idk what to do

Can you tell me what the error says? I'm unsure on how to recreate it as my testing seems fine.

I have found the bug and will release a hotfix very shortly, keep an eye out for it.

i keep reading about a 'gf mode' u can unlock after finishing the character stories but i cant do it despite being at 10 points, do i have to complete more things with them?

(1 edit)

The girl's levels and the girl's chapters are two different things. If you go to the contacts page and the heart doesn't say 'MAX' then you're not done with the storyline. You can read more about how to progress the story in the in-game phone wikihow app.

Deleted 132 days ago

I can't see that, I need access, can you post a screenshot instead?

(1 edit)

I'll just give you access. Now you can open the file i think

hey i've noticed a little mishap in the text box on one of the scenes with willow where it shows juliets face in the text box. and this might be intended but the scaling of the moans sounds like 3 and 4 are backwards for most scenes in the game? might just be me but idk still thought id point it out. i'm on the most recent public version

Yeah, that's just a character code mistype, has been found and fixed in later version, unsure if that was fixed in 0.09 or 0.10 but thanks for letting me know regardless!

how to pass the " i need to check if i look good open the mirror" smth smth, ive checked on juliet and looked in wardrobe but nothing

there might be a bug (cant remember if its in the public version) where if you progress time by card battling before doing those steps, it softlocks you. You'll have to check on juliet in her room specifically.

i have checked on her but nothing

you gave her the gift right? All the game requires is to give her the gift and to open the wardrobe to be able to sleep.

ahh no.. restart ig cuz it was sti;l early

I have a glitch where In the tutorial I can't get past buying the bronze 1 packs. I buy 3 of them, and it keeps saying 2/3. I could even get a 4th but doesn't help, and I can't close the deck manager because of it so I'm just stuck.

I think it's a bug that doesnt' count the cards you've equipped, only the cards you have in your inventory. So unequip any cards you have and if that doesn't help, maybe try again with a fresh save file (skip intro and it'll take you straight to that part again).

Yeah I can equip and it takes it from 2/3 to 1/3 but when I unequip it all it's still stuck so I'll just try a new save 

lemme know if it works!

I found the problem, in the old file, for some reason it was making the packs only give me 3 cards per pack instead of 5 per pack. So i couldn't reach the required numbered cards

yup, that's definitely it then, glad you worked it out.


hey I got a glitch where all of my items appear in a pile on the left corner of the inventory

very strange, sounds like the inventory code is corrupt. But it seems to be on your side since it works fine for everyone else. Do you have an idea of what might've caused it?

Not really, although it happened after giving juliet a bad gift on the balcony in the fall if that's any help

That doesn't really help unfortunately. Whether the gift is good or not, it should remove the gift from your inventory like normal. Are there multiples of the gift? Is your inventory full or empty? It's hard for me to help unless maybe some screenshots of video footage.

When the game fully finishes (roadmap wise) will you charge for it like on steam and here so you can update it in the future or are these the only characters you have planned for the game?


That roadmap is only for 2024. We plan to have 3 chapters in the game so there's quite a bit of ways to go. This first apartment is the first chapter. But yes, eventually we'd like to put it on steam, maybe right after chapter 2

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