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the game keeps crashing after i try to give gifts to the vip girls

does the crash give you an error or something? Which VIP girl specifically? 

(1 edit) (+2)

I have found the bug and will release a hotfix very shortly, keep an eye out for it.

tysm appreciate the quick work <3


whenever i try to give a gift to a girl it comes up with an error at the end of the event and i cant ignore it, it's stopping my progress and idk what to do

Can you tell me what the error says? I'm unsure on how to recreate it as my testing seems fine.

I have found the bug and will release a hotfix very shortly, keep an eye out for it.

i keep reading about a 'gf mode' u can unlock after finishing the character stories but i cant do it despite being at 10 points, do i have to complete more things with them?

(1 edit)

The girl's levels and the girl's chapters are two different things. If you go to the contacts page and the heart doesn't say 'MAX' then you're not done with the storyline. You can read more about how to progress the story in the in-game phone wikihow app.

Deleted 123 days ago

I can't see that, I need access, can you post a screenshot instead?

(1 edit)

I'll just give you access. Now you can open the file i think

hey i've noticed a little mishap in the text box on one of the scenes with willow where it shows juliets face in the text box. and this might be intended but the scaling of the moans sounds like 3 and 4 are backwards for most scenes in the game? might just be me but idk still thought id point it out. i'm on the most recent public version

Yeah, that's just a character code mistype, has been found and fixed in later version, unsure if that was fixed in 0.09 or 0.10 but thanks for letting me know regardless!

how to pass the " i need to check if i look good open the mirror" smth smth, ive checked on juliet and looked in wardrobe but nothing

there might be a bug (cant remember if its in the public version) where if you progress time by card battling before doing those steps, it softlocks you. You'll have to check on juliet in her room specifically.

i have checked on her but nothing

you gave her the gift right? All the game requires is to give her the gift and to open the wardrobe to be able to sleep.

ahh no.. restart ig cuz it was sti;l early

I have a glitch where In the tutorial I can't get past buying the bronze 1 packs. I buy 3 of them, and it keeps saying 2/3. I could even get a 4th but doesn't help, and I can't close the deck manager because of it so I'm just stuck.

I think it's a bug that doesnt' count the cards you've equipped, only the cards you have in your inventory. So unequip any cards you have and if that doesn't help, maybe try again with a fresh save file (skip intro and it'll take you straight to that part again).

Yeah I can equip and it takes it from 2/3 to 1/3 but when I unequip it all it's still stuck so I'll just try a new save 

lemme know if it works!

I found the problem, in the old file, for some reason it was making the packs only give me 3 cards per pack instead of 5 per pack. So i couldn't reach the required numbered cards

yup, that's definitely it then, glad you worked it out.


hey I got a glitch where all of my items appear in a pile on the left corner of the inventory

very strange, sounds like the inventory code is corrupt. But it seems to be on your side since it works fine for everyone else. Do you have an idea of what might've caused it?

Not really, although it happened after giving juliet a bad gift on the balcony in the fall if that's any help

That doesn't really help unfortunately. Whether the gift is good or not, it should remove the gift from your inventory like normal. Are there multiples of the gift? Is your inventory full or empty? It's hard for me to help unless maybe some screenshots of video footage.

When the game fully finishes (roadmap wise) will you charge for it like on steam and here so you can update it in the future or are these the only characters you have planned for the game?


That roadmap is only for 2024. We plan to have 3 chapters in the game so there's quite a bit of ways to go. This first apartment is the first chapter. But yes, eventually we'd like to put it on steam, maybe right after chapter 2

Can any1 share a pre 0.08B completed save? Mine got corrupted :(

1. Are you releasing the soundtrack when the full game releases? Whether it's behind a paywall or just free on youtube or spotify, I'd love to have it!

2. I personally like the nude scenes, but I was wondering if there will be an SFW version of the game, or a "no nudity" option in settings? I think that would make the release a lot more successful and accessible for people, especially youtubers looking to make content for it!


1. No plans on releasing the soundtrack, not impossible though.

2. There's a NSFW toggle in the in-game settings

Hello bro, how can I change the language of one of your games by touching the files? contesta porfii

I don't know, I dont think you can by touching the files.

Deleted post

It's possible that the damage is affected by the weather system, there's some buff stats on the left side that shows what colour cards are being buffed with + being +1 and ++ being +2. Bird cards dont get buffs so perhaps a +3 card became a +5 because of the season.

I've encountered a bunch of weird glitches in Lilith's gift/hangout dialogs. In some cases it seems like it concatenates three different scenarios together at once - horror movie, dinner, and hang out - repeating the whole "You are closer to developing your relationship..." part 3 times. In one case on a Sunday night after this happened, it then played the sleep cutscene and displayed the "Your rent has increased by $250" and "It's Monday..." dialog 3 times as well (it did actually increase the rent by 3x). It then immediately jumped to the "Wanna sleep in my room tonight?" dialog with Lilith (not sure if that's intentional), and then outside her house in the morning.

On a different case (which happened multiple times), after playing all three hangout scenes like above, it cut to Lilith's dialog for unlocking a new outfit (gothic elf), then cut to her character card, and then got stuck in a loop where closing the card repeats the outfit dialog and the card pops up again indefinitely. (Going on a date through the card option was able to interrupt the loop).

That's a really weird glitch/bug that I've never heard anyone else encounter before. It's possible that your game file in particular might be corrupt somewhere. Are you using a save file that's ported from an earlier version, and if so, did you click on the 'update old save' button in the in-game settings?

No, it's from this version. Also I think the "multiple events" thing also happens with Maggie sometimes, though with no other side effects yet.

Do the opponent's cards scale with your level or what? I think I didn't spent enough money on cards and now even the cheap dates are all outleveling me with their cards :(

Yes, in 0.08 and prior, it does scale with you but in 0.09, the upcoming update, we've overhauled the SMS system so that levels don't scale with you, instead you gain stars through the star rating system (how well the date went) and use it to unlock harder levels, so even if you feel too underlevelled, you'll be able to go back to easier dates and grind from there at your own pace.

Where do I find Willow's second solo scene? I've only seen the one where she's riding the pillow.

The other one is also in her bedroom, the pillow riding one is actually the later one and the first solo one is her just flicking the bean on her bed. Keep trying until you get it but there's a chance there's the bug where it'll always play the solo scene you see even if the game has chosen to display the first one. That has been fixed by the current version, just forgot when I did it.

I'm on the latest version. Is it just random which one plays? And do you need to do something and come back to re-trigger the randomness?

it is random every time you enter the room location but I do remember a solo scene having both A and B triggers go to the B scene.

I found that this still occurred on version 0.09B (previously I was on 0.08B). I'm not sure if it's already fixed on the Patreon-only version. But I decided to debug it myself and managed to find and fix it in the Renpy code, and filed a bug report.

it should be, I'm guessing I fixed it in 0.10 or 0.11 at least.

Hi, this game has some belly bulging due to MC's cock size?


It does not.

I'm just in the beginning stages so far, the story is fun but the gameplay is a bit grindy. Is there any futa on mc content? If not you should add it!


We have Quinni which has the option for penis or vagina

Does quinni take the, shall we say, dominant role?


Both characters are vers but she's definitely the dom in the literal meaning.

I did a move on Maggie, that caused us both to have negative hp, and the game crashed


I'll try and find it, that seems to be a pretty rare instance. I suggest just redoing that boss battle and try not to end in a draw. Sorry about that.


no need to apologize, I thought it was a funny bug, and decided to report it.

Is there anything anywhere that explains what the seasonal/weather bonuses actually do? I figure some effect card types by however many the symbol is, but it's not obvious and I couldn't find anything in the tutorials or help windows that explain them.


If you go to the 'web' app or the 'wikihow' app on the phone, there should be a section that says 'How does the weather work?' That section should also explain seasons.

-A sunny day gives +1 to ROCK
-A windy day gives +1 to SCISSORS
-A humid day gives +1 to PAPER

-Autumn gives +2 to ROCK cards
-Spring gives +2 to SCISSORS cards
-Winter gives +2 to PAPER cards
-Summer gives no buffs, it's like the neutral season.

I completely missed that entry somehow. Thanks!

I feel like I'm missing something? I know you have to give gifts to increase affection but I don't know how. It's greyed out for me when I select a girl. Haven't really gotten any romance scenes for awhile either. No date options for the other roommates besides Juliet yet either


Have you equipped the gift in the inventory? The game doesn't know what gift you wanna give.

Thanks! I had no idea you had to equip the gift. I figured it would just pull up a menu after hitting the button.

Ah yeah, that's true. That's actually something I can add into the game, since I've been seeing a handful of others forgetting that that a gift needs to be equipped first.


The card gameplay is so fucking hard holy shit

Sorry to hear, could try a different deck build? Utilize BIRD cards more or try and hoard some consumables to swing things into your advantage.


Pretty good so far.

I'm fine with the rock, paper, scissors core cards, though I would like to see it branch out to allow for different types of decks to be built.

I also hope dating gets expanded on. Feels like it should have more to it gameplay-wise.

The Art is fun, and I like the little references also!

Definitely a game I'll keep my eye on.


The card game is meant to be pretty simple. We've added the weather/seasonal buff mechanic which does incentivize players to build a deck around a certain card type over another. (Eg. Winter gives +2 on Paper).

When you say dating, you mean like taking the girls out on a date to level them up? We've thought about how much gameplay to add to it and we're open to adding a little mini-game for that kind of thing but we don't wanna make it too complex and content heavy as more characters and date locations get added, it kinda adds up.

Thank you so much for the feedback and enjoying the game otherwise!

Este juego es demasiado bueno espero ver cómo será cuando este terminado el único problema que tengo es que no se inglés y si se me dificulta un poco algunas cosas pero pues por lo que las como 4 o 10 horas que lo eh jugado me parece un juegazo espero algún día alguna traducción al español por ahora me tocará esperar 👍

¡Muchas gracias por jugar el juego! Las traducciones estarán lejos en el futuro simplemente por lo mucho que cambian las cosas, es difícil hacerlo a medida que avanza el desarrollo y es mejor hacerlo en grandes partes.

How do I access an H scene with a character after I've unlocked it? I only see the masturbation ones

H-scenes are replayable when you unlock GF mode aka when you finish their storyline. You'll be able to do all the scenes in various other rooms and in front of other girls too.

At what chapter is gf mode?

After chapter 10, aka the end of the story.

I'm trying to complete Juliet's chapter 10, but nothing happens. I've got 3 stars on her gifts and ive hung out with her several times

Might have to trigger it in a specific room or a different time, a handful of chapters are like that.


the rock and sissors style isn t funny, it just luck over all

yes, there is definitely luck involved, we've also added BIRD cards and the ultra sense system, as well as the power value and the weather buffs to add strategical elements into it but overall, we wanted a card game that was very simple and easy to understand and do without thinking too much.

it's still luck, and isn't funny, deck building isn't funny too because of lack of mechanics with cards


What is the fastest way to level up a character? It seems so slow for me

(1 edit)

Your stats play a big part in how much tips you get on SMS dates but also a big part on how much exp you gain with the girls to level them up. We've also rebalanced the reward unlocks in 0.10B to make it easier but for 0.08, I just suggest investing in your stats, that being in the health app and your outfit.

I can't play IT on phone, when i open the pack i can't go back bcs there isnt aby X to exit that pack opener or deck 

there should be an objective smack dab in the middle of the screen in giant letters that says whether or not you've bought enough packs. The X unlocks when you've accomplished that task.

The game does'nt register that I bought the packs needed (I bought the max amount of my money)... Pls fix

I don't know what there is to fix? Unless you give me a screenshot or a video, it seems to be working for everyone else.

It does'nt register that i bought even more that 3... And if i sell some cards the number goes back

(1 edit)

Oh, that's because you bought packs that weren't "Bronze I", you have to specifically buy "Bronze I". You bought a Bronze II pack or something because you have cards with power of 4 on it. My suggestion is to redo the intro and only buy the first pack 3x. Also to note, don't sell any cards until you've done the objective. It probably messed up the calculations the game is doing.


Okay this game looks AWESOME!!
It's super silly but I'm stuck at the very beginning-
At the end of the first day I wanted to go to sleep but the protagonist said to check the mirror in the wardrobe first but I can't interact with the mirror? I tried to change clothes and all but the dialogues repeat itself...
I don't know what I need to do here 😥

It's pretty simple, the game requires you 2 things; to open the wardrobe, and to visit Juliet. After all that is done, you're free to sleep and any other activities.


Oh my God thank you!! :')
I reloaded a save file because I messed up with the gifts thing so I think that's why I got a little lost afterwards ahah
I really love the game so far, great job!

Glad it's fixed and working now! Enjoy

(1 edit) (+1)

Bird cards are cracked, that's all I can say about gameplay.

As for bugs, quite a few odd ones I cannot recreate yet, one with the futanari video on the Hub where it keeps replaying the scene regardless of progress, kinda bootlooped

Another is with the VIP girls, where they repeatedly ask you over and you'd be stuck doing old tasks with no benefit for half a day, well into night for Lilith

Another is a golden dragon statue where a missing texture kills the game's last few steps, ie force roleback

As for sound design, I know it is early but it would be easier to folly a slow sound then speed it up with pitch adjustment than to slow down sound with or without pitch adjustment

As for interface, please make it so the save & load section are moved forward 10 at a time, not the actual save selection 

As for writing and scenes, lovely, just lovely. Characters are nicely done and have uniqueness and vim of their own. Scenes are nice, I'd love orgies but I know it's very early !! :)

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you so much for the feedback! Most of those have been fixed or updated in the latest Patreon version, including the h-scene sfx which got a nice overhaul.

I'm not sure what you mean about the save & load section though, I don't know what "forward 10 at a time" means. Forward 10 pixels?

For the BIRD cards, I'm unsure how broken they are but we've overhauled the SMS date system in 0.09 which adds static levels, zones, and a 5 star system that you receive based on how well you've succeeded. Those stars are then used to unlock stronger zones and you can only really get full 5 stars if you take- I think it's 10% of your health in damage or less. BIRD cards won't be able to prevent incoming damage.


I can't give a gift to anyone. I've bought gifts but the option is greyed out.


Have you equipped the gift in your inventory yet? The game probably doesn't know which gift you wanna give.

Thank you!


Very interesting art style but the grind on this game is insane. These level up thresholds are crazy.


We've rebalanced the game in future versions and will continue to rebalance based on content amount.

The dev team has to decide if the focus of the game Sugar Service is supposed to be the card game or the story. If its the card game, then the game seems way too repetitive and simple for how long you have to play the game. If its the story, then the card game is way too grindy and should take up less percentage of playtime . 

For sure, totally get that. As more content is added, we wanna offset that by allowing said content to be accessed easier through rebalances. We're definitely on team 'story is the main focus', which is why the card game at its current stage is very simple and we totally hear you about it being less grindy.


how to win the card game against Juliet and other characters. It's so hard


level up and have stronger cards, like pokemon.


sell cards you buy and try to enhance your rizz (really) by clothing, then get better cards from shop and try to make a better assortment, after that make sure the season is right and weather is right, those have buffs

read the questions in the written out on the phone's browser

How do the "relationships" of the stars over the hearts work/work? And how to develop them?


If you go to the web app on the in-game phone, there's a whole bunch of explanations on the different systems. Basically the stars are the times you successfully gifted and hungout with them, you'd need 3 of them (successfully gift and hangout 3 times) PLUS the heart icon to advance the story.

How can I support the author of the game if I'm from the CIS, I can't top up paypal

You could always leave a donation on itchio or simply by following the progression of the game, rating it 5 stars, and sharing it with people who also like playing these types of games


this has happened twice, but I have given Maggie a gift then there's the talking and afterwards it says "Maggie error:333" is the supposed to happen?

You can ignore any error333, as long as they dont crash the game, it's just there to let me know that players are accessing places they arent supposed to somehow but isn't game-breaking. Are you on the latest version of the game? 

Im on the latest free version, i just wanted to make sure there wasnt something wrong

yo where does Lilith's story end?

If you have 3 stars and a heart on the gift icon and the chapter isn't available, it probably means you need to visit her at another time, some chapters are room/time specific.

i cant hang out with Linora when she is in shower 

when i press hang out it directs me to the balcony(im in mobile device and idk how to send video)

You can send it to the game's discord, the discord link should be on the page here.

Is it like a story-hangout or like a talk to her while in the bathroom hangout? Because she doesn't have a shower scene, when talking to the girls in the bathroom, they'll usually yell at you to get out, I would def need more context on what specifically is going on.




LMAOO yeah, this is his story after persona, after graduating.

I should put his outfits in the game.


Oh dang- thanks for reporting that. I'll have a hotfix out soon to fix it.

A patch (0.08B_b) is up that fixes that


Any chance for preg?


Very very unlikely. Don't hold your hopes out for it. It'll kinda make it a logistical nightmare for the content we have planned out in the future.


its cool, just checking


Did this game has inc$st? I think i getting very h0rn¥ while playing inc£st game…That becuase i dont have sister…so i imagine i want to have sister in game


This game does not.


I can help you find those kind of games it's not hard to

is the offer still standing?

Definitely you paying money? (JK) (Unless you want to 😂😂)

I've been looking for games with that kind of content but haven't found any good ones, if you have a recommendation I will gladly take it

Is there a way to get ahold of you?


I got myself my first bug. First time playing the Linora solo masturbation scene. After the scene ended the moans kept playing over for the rest of the game, no matter if I do other activities, dates, or reload the game. Hope to find some help 


Hey, I'd just suggest back tracking to before the masturbation scene and avoiding it that way. That bug has been fixed for future versions.

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