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i am unable to gain any experience with dates. Not sure if it’s just me not knowing how to play tho.

You have to have some base stats first. I'm unsure if in that version you have 0 but if that's the case, just increase your stats in the health app. In later versions, I've updated it so you automatically start with 1 on each stat.

(2 edits)

is the error maggie and error lilith normal? 

EDIT: the B-restaurant always have error whenever i have dates

Can you explain the maggie and lilith error further? Is that when you try to talk to them or from the arena or?

Also, if that's the case, I'd avoid the B-restaurant for now, I'm sure it's fixed in later versions though

(1 edit)

when i give them gifts a black screen pops up with a dialogue that says error:maggie333 same as lilith

edit: any social so i can send the pic for the error?

Oh, that's just a minor bug where the game thinks you're in maggie's back garden or lilith's living room but as long as it doesn't crash the game, it should be good. I've fixed it for 0.10A


关于什么的提示 (google translate)


为女孩购买礼物以推动她们的故事 (google translate)


Can someone give me a hint on how to sleep can't figure it out???

We've made it more clear in later versions but basically, you gotta do these 3 things first; buy cards, give Juliet her item in her room, open your wardrobe. Do these things before doing anything else.

What thing pls elaborate?

the only thing that is in your inventory

Ok thank you for the help I'm way stupid to figure it put


I did all that and still nothing

right after buying your cards, did you do a card battle? If so, I suggest holding off on doing that until after you give juliet the gift item and open the wardrobe. There's nothing else to it.

Ahhhhh ok thank you very much for the help

Love the game so far, but I'm a little confused about the gift giving system, like is there a way to find out which girl wants which type of gift? or is it just trial and error to figure it out?

The gifts that they like are pretty much based on the girl's interest, there's 10 categories that each girl likes and 4 categories that she hates. For example, Juliet would love gaming or tech stuff or pink, but she would hate anything to do with outdoors.

gotcha, thanks for clearing that up,  I figured out some of that already, but I wasn't sure cause I gave something that said it was green to Willow once, since I thought one of her things was anything green, but she didn't like it

It was probably included something she didn't like. If the gift item includes anything they hate, that would take priority.  Like for Lilith, she hates anything athletic so even if it's black or purple, she'll not like it.


This is a masterpiece I can't wait for it to be completed thank you for your effort and passion.


Thank you so much! Glad you think so!

Hey GeeSeki great work! Im just having an error trying to update my apk to 0.07B. The error states "app not installed as package appears to be invalid". It says this regardless of if the old version is downloaded or not. Could be a compatibility issue with the latest version?

Hmmm... I'm not sure. I would suggest uninstalling any older versions so that there aren't any compatibility issues.

What about our save files??

(2 edits) (+1)

I'm gonna try to release a (version 2) in a few minutes that's the exact same version but re-build of the android port. Come back in a bit to look for it and try that out. If that doesn't work, then I can only suggest having to do the uninstalling route.

Let me know if it works.

Deleting any old builds of Sugar Service does work but it indeed means starting a fresh save with no save files. Unless anyone knows a fix around it, that's more of an engine/android porting issue that I have no idea how to solve as of now.

Edit: I'm trying version 3 right now, I'm gonna test if this android port configuration works

My man putting in that effort ✊ 


Any plans for pregnancy?


No pregnancy for this game.

Personal qualm with the game, It's kind of annoying how the sms messages will go up in level with you. You don't ever get to feel like you could go step down the the 'weaker' dates and you won't ever really feel like you get to go to the higher sms messages, when winning the easy one can be partial rng. (I almost got softlocked into continual losing because I couldn't add more cards with a lack of money and the easy one would beat me in 5 cards 0.0)
Great game so far though! Just small disappointment that it doesn't feel like you properly grow except through the story, leaving it to feel pretty disconnected.

We hear you and understand that. There isn't any reason why you would need to go on weak-weak dates as you level up. Besides getting a quick power trip, it will feel like a useless as the xp and the money earnt through them won't be worth anyone's time. The easiest date should be fairly easy, if you're having trouble beating them, I think that's to do with your deck build, I wouldn't say it's a 100% guaranteed win all the time but more so like 90%+ win rate.

We've thought about adding a sort of 'endless' battle mode that acts like the boss mode where you start with date level 1 and continually work your way up to higher date levels all in one battle until you run out of lives. This could be a thing that would give one the power trip fantasy that you seem to be desiring.

I guess? It's not so much the power trip, but more so that it feels like the rpg element is taken out for the player. Don't get me wrong, I do like one here and there, but that's not what I'm talking about. 
Like, the game feels like a sandbox game right now (as most games in development do) but this part is controlled for the player. You said it yourself: "It will feel like...". You saying that is fair, but the player may not feel like that, as is their decision and feelings to decide for that. If they don't like the lack of xp and money while not progressing characters' development, they will just move on to the higher levels when they want to. (Just like in any rpg or similar games).

Maybe they want to mindlessly grind with minimal rewards, or maybe they want the challenge. And, to be fair, my deck probably isn't optimized, being 1/3rd of each group and 1 or 2 Bird Cards.

Point being, it feels like the control of the game gets shifted away, instead of being to the player. This leads to an almost bland feeling with minimal gameplay loop. Cause if you allow one to grind for levels, let them actually have in impact in the part that is getting grinded. Otherwise, why have them in the first place?

(2 edits)

I understand what you mean now. I did have a really long comment detailing a lot of things and sharing ideas on why I can or don't think it's a good idea to change, implement, or update the way it's setup at the moment. Most of my worries comes from game performance and the hit it'll take if it's having to RNG and load dozens and dozens of dates every time the player progresses time instead of just 4. And the ease of navigation, how much more of a pain it is to the player if scrolling is added into the mix.

But long story short, the problem is the lack of feeling the impact of the grind itself. When you level, the dates level with you, and that makes the player feel stagnant. In typical adventure RPGs, you progress by physically moving into harder areas and terrain. In Sugar Service, you are limited by a city and even more restricting, the in-game sms page. 

A probable solution I may have is a star progression system and a city zone area system. Each 'page' (these will act like areas or zones of the city) will have 4-5 date opponents. You can earn stars by taking them out successfully. Based on how much health you have left on success, will determine how many stars you earn (how well you did). You can gain 3 or 5 stars (still deciding on the idea). To progress to the next area of the city, you'll have to spend your stars you earned. 

You are free to grind out and max out all the levels but you are also free to get by with the bare minimum needed. For example, in one area, if every opponent has the potential for 5 stars, and there are 4 of them (ascending in levels), you can earn a maximum of 20 stars per area but you'll only be required to spend say 12 stars to proceed to the next area, which then hosts the next 4 harder opponents. Leveling up then going back to easier levels to max out the stars you havent collected so you can unlock harder areas will add to the progression you're looking for.

This may be the way to solve this gripe you have with the RPG, card grinding and how they feel lackluster in progression.

Hi devs I'm wondering for the stock market do the seasons or anything in general affect the prices or is it just random?

Hi, they are random-ish. There is additional variables keep them somewhat within a certain range but they're evergreen.

Great game, but it keeps crashing. I can barely even save before it crashes. (I'm playing on android version) I already checked my phone but I don't have this problem with any other game and the performance of my phone is fine.

I'm not sure how to fix the problem, there hasn't been anyone else with a crashing problem. I would suggest just reinstalling the game.

I already tried, but I didn't fix it. I don't really mind though because I know there's a new update coming soon (according to the 2024 roadmap)

Yup! The public 0.07B update is schedule for July 3rd (give or take depending on timezones)

so....dumb question but how do I sleep and move onto the next day?

I've mentioned it a lot in previous comments and I've fixed it in later updates but basically, you have to buy cards, visit juliet, and open your wardrobe. Those are the 3 tasks needed to enable the ability to sleep. The game tries to lead you into doing those 3 things but it seems like a lot of people go straight into wanting to sleep for some reason so I've made it very explicit in having to do those things in later versions.

oh thanks, i think i might have been giving the gift too early cause i got the cards and opened the wardrobe but still didn't see an option to sleep

I think specifically, you have to visit juliet in her room before doing any other tasks that would progress time.

Can some pls tell me the mobile controls I can't leave the deck builder

It says you have to buy some cards first, then it allows you to leave.

Do repeat gifts give less points than new ones? I've given so many gifts that there just aren't enough to satisfy each of their individual likes. I've started giving repeat gifts because they still seem to like them and I may make some progress but not as much as before. Also, why does it say that I am far from developing a relationship with a character even though the day before it said I was very close?

(1 edit)

The repeated gifts DO give less points. I'm unsure when I changed it so that the decreased value is less harsh but eventually I did that. How it currently works is that the gifts will have a base value based on who you give it to and if it's the first time you've given it to them and you like it, the value is multiplied by 3, if it's a neutral gift and they like it, then it's multiplied by 2. If they hate it, the value is 0 points.

I should also note that as new updates get released, more gifts are added and there'll be more options for every character so repeat gifts will happen less and less.

That second part may be a bug that I'll check out. It's like a logic loop where when the points reach the target, it resets back to 0 and allows you to proceed to the next chapter, thus when you give a gift, technically you've leveled up the relationship but the closeness is back to 0. If that's the case, it might mean you need to talk to them in a different room to trigger the new chapter.

Hope that helps.

Thank you, also thanks for including a cunnilingus scene for every character because its my favorite sexual activity but is usually absent from porn and nsfw games.

Had to uninstall. Did everything i was supposed to but on the first night there is no option to sleep. On android. A shame.

We fixed it and made it more clear in later versions but basically you have to; buy cards, visit Juliet, and open your wardrobe to unlock the sleep option.

Did that.

Question, when will the update release soon? (Ignore my name)

Hi, we usually release updated on the 3rd of the month. You can check out the roadmap on the itchio page to see which month each version is expected to release for which audience.

I enjoyed this game a lot (even the card game that gave me rage when i lose LMAO) but i've been wondering how the game's progress to the characters bc i feel like im stuck to it :"3 

Thank you, not sure what you mean about the game's progress of the characters. They're progressing, each update, more chapters are added.

If I understand what you mean by you're stuck, you need to give gifts to the characters, gifts that they'll like and when you get the heart icon next to the gift icon, it means they're ready to proceed to the next chapter.

it actually worked ToT thank you so much again!! (I kept spoiling jules <3)


This shit is fucking good

Thanks bro

(1 edit)

Heyyy Geeseki... I have a game idea that I already wrote the script for and made characters for with around 12 bgs and functional buttons,all bgs have day, evening and night cycles... but since I'm new at coding I'm struggling to continue coding the game...if you don't mind I'd love to work on the game with you 🥺

I'll show you some of the characters and bgs


+This is the MC

(1 edit) (+2)

the art looking dop man keep the good work 😀

and mostly have fun good luck ❤️

Thanks man 😁❤


I can build it , message me on discord cucktalesgame

I'm not on discord but that'd be nice...I'm making a discord acount now

Now I am on discord but Idk how to join yalls servers😅


there's a big button on the itchio page that says JOIN THE DISCORD

I might sound dumb but I actually couldn't find it at first😅😅😅😅😅



Hey, thank you for sharing your interest in this. I'm very busy with my own projects and life stuff so I won't be able to be an actual programmer but I am more than happy to help you figure stuff out in the coding department. Join the Sugar Service discord if you haven't already and DM me.

Okay thanks for getting back to me...Im not on discord but lemme make an account

Deleted 82 days ago

Then fuck off


I am really confused on what are the BDays in the calendar for and also the fact on how to increase relationship with VIP cilents


and also what does masturbating do

one more thing how do I change outfits for the girls

annddd one more thing is how do I get VIP clients to visit my house for example Maggie because I have her at girlfriend status which I'm pretty sure is after chapter 5 also I already figured out on how to increase relationships with VIPs


Hi, to answer all your queries. The birthdays at this moment don't do anything but in the future when we get to events, some events may be a party for them which would come with more story-like content and the girls gathering together for a short storyline and more H-scenes.

Masturbating is just a H-scene thing for those who are interested in seeing the MC play with themselves, and even more play with themselves in front of the girls for that freeuse/exhibitionist fantasy. We've added in 0.07 an option to turn it off for those who have no interest in seeing that.

The girls have to be in their own rooms for you to change their clothes. Or for the VIP clients, they have to be at home.

VIP clients will randomly come visit you after chapter 5 of their storylines. Maggie usually shows up in the late morning - late afternoon (I think?) and Lilith usually wants to show up around afternoon - evening (I think?). You'll have to let them in via the living area front door when the button shows up.

I see thanks for all the answers


Is there a technique to winning the Card game because I genuinely suck and it’s honestly frustrating. I feel like i cant progress without having to play it constantly and it’s exhausting and makes it harder to want to play this game. I don’t want to seem like a negative nelly but i just don’t like games like these. Any tips??


We've added a help indicator on how to optimize your deck in 0.09 but for now here's my tips:

1) Have around 10 cards in your deck, 10 is the magic number. You can have 1 or 2 less or more depending on your preference.
2) Use BIRD cards when your opponent is using Ultra Sense so you aren't at an automatic disadvantage.
3) Save your high powered cards for when you have Ultra Sense so you can guarantee high damage
4) Use consumables, stock up by playing the easier enemies.
5) If the bosses are too hard, just level up. The bosses don't scale in difficulty.


okay thank you!

I bought the game because I love the art, and the NSFW animation. However, I'm stuck on the first night, how do I advance to the next day?

Go to your bedroom and then go to sleep

Right after the intro and tutorial, you need to buy cards, visit Juliet's room, and open your wardrobe. Don't do anything else until you've done those 3 things.

Thank you for the tips, I restarted and it was fine. I think I ran into a bug, there wasn't a sleep option the first time around.

When i saw that game i was like "wait.... the art style tell me something....." and i was right ^^ i love your other game "A town undercoverd" (witch i need to get inside.... cause i have left it for so much time XD) and i'm sure i will enjoy this game too ^^ 

I give you love, health and all the motivation and chance for updating the game and keeping that awsome art style and games ❤❤❤❤❤

Thank you so so much! It's crazy how you were able to tell the art style, seeing as that they're pretty much different. Maybe it's the way I draw characters or face? Or maybe it's the colours?

honnestly it's with the MC and the characters that make me in the way ^^ cause if you """compare""" the two game you see a resemblance between the chara disign on the  MC ^^ 

(2 edits)

Haha, so fair. I thank you again though and I do hope you enjoy Sugar Service. It's what I wished ATU was if I had all the years of gamedev experience and better project planning from the start.

i have started it and i like it ^^ but if i can make a little ""update"" it's for the item on the date battle.... i kinda understand we use it before play cause it's mostly random but sometime it could be good to play it after to ""update"" the outcome of the duel ^^ and... can we have a small description on the weather and what they do on date? Cause when we play and saw rain with one ""dot"" we need to take/ give damage to know it make x more damage on the color

That's actually an interesting proposition that I did think about when implementing consumables but have not really discussed it anywhere online. The reason I have it on BEFORE the results was for 2 reasons; 1. Because how the code flow works, it was easier to implement it that way. And 2, I liked the idea of the player having to take a risk using a consumable as it isn't a 100% guarantee.

They're meant to be used to swing a possible disadvantage into an advantage. During my tests, the excitement is a lot greater with a successful consumable BECAUSE of the risk, a mini-gamble thrill. Compared to if you use a consumable AFTER you know the result, it feels more like a quick-fix cheatcode to get the upper hand, you dont get any excitement from using it which I don't really find interesting.Also it requires the player to make use of the Ultra Sense system to help determine whether to use a certain consumable or not, they go hand-in-hand in the gameplay. 

Because worse case scenario for using a consumable BEFORE the result is that you win the round, which isn't a loss to the player at all, except that you are down 1 consumable that is meant to be used because you'd otherwise be disadvantaged. Maybe that would be the main issue? That "wasting" consumables feels to great a punishment. 

Maybe the fix would be to increase consumable drop rates so "wasting" consumable doesnt feel as bad? I don't really want players to buy them because of their OP nature, stocking up on them and having a near unlimited amount can hurt the overall card game experience that I'm going for. It's a bit hard to find a good balance for that since every player plays it differently. Does that make sense? I'm just tryna explain the game-design thought process. 

Also yeah, I'll have a little description somewhere, probably at the start of the match, it'll say '+1 Rock' and then fade to just a simple '+' after 5 seconds. So at a quick glance it's straightforward but doesnt take up space on the screen.

Thank you so much for the feedback and improvement suggestions!


Honestly... WHAT A MASTERPIECE! The art is beautiful, the background music gives a calm atmosphere and I like that! The game within the game is really great! And I haven't seen a bug so far! Of course, I'm still at the beginning of the game and I've only unlocked 2 VIP characters, but so far the experience has been magnificent! Congratulations to the developers! Oh, and the action scenes... I loved them, thanks DEVs!

(1 edit) (+2)

Really appreciate it! I'm super happy that you enjoy the game that much! Every update, it only gets better and better with all the improvements and upgrades.

Oh and just a heads up about the VIP clients, there's only 2x so far in the itchio version. The 2 new VIP clients are set to be introduced in version 0.09.

Deleted post

Hi! Thank you for inquiring about this. There won't be any NTR, we do not plan to create content for it.

As for MMF, we currently don't have any content that involves that. That's less of a hated 'flavor' so we are open to creating content for it but we are aware that it isn't everyone's taste and we won't revolve the game around it.

We DO have a comprehensive Fetish Toggle system that is change-able anytime in the in-game phone setting (from ver 0.07) and it asks you at the very start of the game to ensure your player experience is to YOUR taste. Any scenes that don't align with your preferences set, we will simply give a message saying that "you've unlocked a scene that you've opted out of" and move on.

Hope that helps your decision and encourages you to try the game from now and in the future!

Deleted post
(2 edits) (+1)

Oh, don't worry. The fetish toggle option (when there is content for it) will be very specific about the fetishes. We left a lot of vanilla content such as certain positions as non-toggleable since it doesn't really cause problems but anything that I think can cause negative experiences with players (or if any players ask for a specific toggle), I will add it for.

So for your example. Threesome, MMF, FFM, M(Futa)F, will all be separate toggles. You can either enable them all, disable them all, or have a very specific preference. If 'threesome' is disabled then all the following ones will be blocked because it's a given. If you have FFM enabled but you don't like for example pegging and that scene involves it, it'll also be blocked.

As I said, although it will block/opt you out of scenes, it's the only plausible way of making each individual's experience the best and most diverse sexually it can be.

For Futa characters, we give the player the option to either give them a penis or a vagina. If the scene involves phallus-play and the player picked vagina, the character will wear a strap-on and the scene will play if it detects all the player's fetish preferences are on.

Deleted post

We'll do our best to not only incorperate the fetish preferences in the scenes but also in the story and dialogue too. But I'm confident we won't run into that problem as I don't see any plans of making 'sharing with another guy' a very prominent part of any storyline. If a scene ever happens, it'll probably be a one-off, casual thing that doesn't play a big part and when the player opts out of that, the dialogue will reflect it too.

I do want to stray on the safe side of debateable content whilst also providing things that are more niche. Hopefully we can find an agreeable balance. So yes, I agree with you in that the fetish does apply to not just the sex scenes but also the story and dialogue content.


An absolute masterpiece for adult game. Only a few flaws : not completed yet 

and there is a error after u offer a gift to à VIP customer, at the end of the dialogue there is a text "Error..." which doesnt seem to interfer with the gameplay


Thanks for the kind feedback! And thanks for letting me know, I guess whenever that happens, just press ignore. I won't fix it since it isn't necessarily game breaking and I'm 100% sure it's been fixed for future versions.

Can u fix the problem with the VIP there's some ERROR happening. Always waiting and I'm happy with your game thnx

I'm not sure what the error you're talking about is.

Where can i download the patched 0.06 for Android? I can't beat the last Lilith hang out

There's no patch for android, you're gonna have to install the latest android version as a whole and it'll update the existing files for you. You'll be able to use your old save files.

is this a like spy/stalk button? and is it available in this version? thanks

ps: im using 0.06b


Yes, that's the peek button. Make sure the nsfw mode is on in the in-game phone settings. Occasionally, you'll be able to peek into the girls playing with themselves.

Deleted 44 days ago

Yes, my suggestion is to use the game's back button and try to avoid causing that scenario to happen. There's also logic but that happens when both sides hit 0 at the same time during boss battles (unsure what happens during SMS dates) but I'd try and avoid that too. It has been fixed for 0.08 though.

I'll see if I can fix it sometime later tonight though.

(1 edit) (+1)

This game sucks I got so into doing the card battles I forgot to progress the story lol but seriously another banger good work

Hahaha, hey, you'll be plenty stocked up on money and high enough level at least ^^ I'm really glad you enjoyed that aspect of the game, means a lot.

How do i turn on the Toggle-able fetish system?

It should be in the in-game phone settings. Version 0.08 has a more comprehensive page for it (though not many options but only because there isn't many scenes that would require them). If there is a h-scene that includes a fetish that you do not like and see no option to turn it off, let me know and I can definitely add them in.

Do i need to unlock the scene to turn on and off the secondary fetish if not its not i cant see it

Oh apologies, that feature was actually added in 0.07. This 0.06 version does not have them yet.

(1 edit) (+2)

Oh ok (good game btw and really appreciate it that you replied quickly)

(2 edits)


Please make sure you've downloaded and installed 0.06B_cb (the _cb is important) as that includes a bunch of bug fixes that are present in 0.06B_b. If you run into any issues, please update the game before reporting it to see if it has fixed it.


Gameplay absolutely sucks 


Sorry to hear you had a bad experience. Mind explaining what you didn't like about it?

alguem me ajuda todos download estão dando proibido

google translate:

tente um navegador diferente ou deve haver algo errado com seu acesso à Internet ou firewall

Hi, first of all. This game is good asf. Really appreciate it. Design style is unique and loved that.

But i have little problem tho. How do i see the storyline? Or play? Now im just playing card dates again and again. And the VIP customers. Do i have to buy a gift? If there is something about the "Contacts" menu. I can't use it (in Android). Can someone help me about it? Only thing i can do is talk to them and nothing.


You have to give gifts in order to progress with the girls. I missed this orginally as well, and you can only give them a gift once per day. Also they have specific interests listed in their contacts/they talk about them, so only gifts that match their interests will work

Thanks for your help. It worked. I was wasting time just by talking with them lol.

(1 edit) (+1)

Pretty much what wellmax96 said. You'll have to gift them items and hangout with them. When you've gotten 3 stars (3x hangouts) and the gift icon has a heart next to it (the icon goes black > red > yellow > green > heart), that means they're ready to proceed to the next chapter of their storyline.

As for the contacts page, it's in the in-game phone, at the bottom, it looks like a yellow square with a silhouette of a person like a default facebook profile pic. That's the contacts page that shows you stuff about the character. In later versions, it shows you a more in-depth progression of their content.

how to go to sleep to next day? I wonder

After the intro, when you're able to take control and roam around, you'll have to buy some card packs, go to Juliet's room, and open the wardrobe. Don't try and do anything else until that has been done.

(1 edit)

Can you define “exhibitionism” as it appears in this game?

Exhibitionism we define as nudity with or without sexual acts outdoor, whether its a public area or not. We do not have any 'hard', explicitly exhibitionist content yet but it's something we're working towards.

Neat, some games are tagged with exhibitionism but don’t really have any so I thought I’d ask lol


The games looks great!
The story and building up seems okay so far.
It is pretty bare and grindy tho, as expected of a game in its early stage.

I don't like the systematic car noise whenever moving around using the map or going to see a VIP.
The fact that the animation at the end of a game isn't skippable make it feels really slow.
The fact that gift can only be offered once to a person (yet still appear in the shop once bought), cycle daily and all bring the same amount of stars makes the grind feel heavier, that along the fact that the shop can only be reset by going to the next day, combined to the randomness of the characters schedule, all add up to that feeling.
The money factor is really easy to overcome by combining great stats and clothes, which I find appreciable, but do make leveling the different characters through work thingies a bit useless except for obtaining new outfits for them.

The strategical aspect of the game is a bit lack luster, as I pretty much have the same results while randomly spamming cards, or making use of the fact that the opponents rarely use two time the same type of card, which in my opinion isn't necessarily bad.

The phone interface feels a bit sluggish, because it requires two clicks in determined spaces to exit depending on the app you are on.
Which would make a single button to close it all smoother, or maybe simply making it so that the exit button is always at the same place, enabling double clicks.

Thank you for making such a nice looking game which feels graphically unique and warm, I can't wait to see how it develop!
This comment was made for version 0.05B


Hey, thank you so much for the in-depth feedback. Since the itchio version, there has been some improvements on some of the points you made, the gifting, the phone, and the card game have been improved and will continue to evolve if common issues and and annoyance keep popping up amongst others. Especially those core dating systems, we do make polls every once in a while to get a general feedback on what players think about x thing and if it feels okay.

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